Sunday 15 May 2016

Averaging average

Down the bowls club late this afternoon for a solo practice. Trying to sort out my problem with length. It's dawned on me that although my new Taylor Legacy SL bowls are narrower than my old set, they're also slightly heavier. Could that be why I delivered so many short bowls last Friday?

Start off at a cracking pace. In the first six ends get fourteen out of twenty-four bowls within a yard. That's almost 60% within the target area, one of my best results ever. And only two bowls more than four feet from the jack.

The next six ends aren't up to scratch. Only seven bowls (30%) in the target area. The last six ends aren't much better. Nine out of twenty-four bowls in the target area. In mitigation, I do vary the lengths and hands in the second half of the practise. But still, not anywhere near good enough. Maybe the problem is my short attention span.

Maybe the start of club competitions next Saturday will ignite a flame in my performance. Really need a solution before then. Got a County 4 bowls singles match on home ground on Friday. Gulp!

Here's the scorecard and solo practise results to date.

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